Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let's Do This: Introduction Post & "Fortunately, the Milk" Review

Well, I’m back at this whole blog thing. I’ve really missed writing up my book reviews for everyone! I’m not sure just how many people read them, but it is something I really enjoy doing.

First thing first, I would like to thank my friend Mariel for designing my blog for me! I’ve been so out of the loop, that I didn’t remember how to do it. I will be working on this for a bit, trying to get everything organized how I would like it, so please stick with me and ignore all the random changes that will probably take place.

You’ll see the tabs at the top. They give a brief “About Me” and my “Must Read” list. This may change as I work things out, but wanted to go ahead and get this blog going.

Without any further delay, let me start with my very first review for this blog.
Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman
A Review by Lydia Douglas
5/5 Stars

It is breakfast time and there is no milk in the fridge. Who wants to eat cereal without milk? Or have tea without a splash of milk? Not this family. This story starts off with two children, brother and sister, who want cereal for breakfast. They discover they are out of milk. When they tell their father, he realizes without milk, he will not be able to enjoy his morning cup of tea. He sets out to the corner market to retrieve some milk and save the morning. The kids sit and wait, sit and wait, sit and wait, wondering what is taking their father so long. They conclude he met a friend while at the store and stopped to chat. When he finally returns home, he informs the kids this did indeed happen, but that was not all. He launches into a crazy story filled with adventures, spaceships, pirate ships, and a hot air balloon piloted by a Stegosaurus. He, fortunately, holds onto the milk for the entirety of his adventures and returns with it intact and ready for breakfast.

This story is an adorable and delightful tale. I enjoy how random it is. The stories the father tells are unbelievable, yet he makes them sound very true. The kids do not really believe their father’s story, yet are captivated by it and want to know what happens next. I found myself in a similar boat. It was outlandish, but I needed to know what happened next. This is a quick, easy read and I highly recommend it to anyone, whether you have kids or not. The story lends itself to be easily acted out by parents reading it to their kids. The art fits perfectly and flows in such a lovely way. Overall, this book was a wonderful read. Pick it up at your local bookstore!

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